Today marked the official opening of Bravehearts' new head office extension, completed by Hutchies and more than 60 generous suppliers and subcontractors.
Brave children and their families will be the ultimate beneficiaries of the new extension, which features an additional 160sqm on the ground floor and an entire new second floor to accommodate the charity’s community engagement and support teams.
The refurb will enable the national child protection advocate to consolidate services under one roof as it strives to achieve a vision to make Australia the safest place in the world to raise a child.

Under the new ‘home of child protection’, safety education programs, training, research, royal commission and advocacy and counselling departments will be incorporated with community engagement, fundraising and management.
Bravehearts Founder Hetty Johnston, says the unification will improve efficiency and ensure the continued delivery of support services across its Three Piers to Prevention model – Educate, Empower, Protect.
HettyJohnston,BraveheartsFounderThe incredible generosity of Hutchies and the tradies who dug deep to make this happen, will enable Bravehearts to meet increasing demand on our services and allow us to support even more brave kids and their families. What we’re seeing here today is the result of sheer guts and dedication, and the power of great causes when the community rallies to support the protection of Australian children. With demand soaring for education, training and counselling, our new headquarters will act as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for child protection, gearing us to more effectively deliver and evaluate these programs across Australia.

Hutchies’ Managing Director, Greg Quinn, says helping Bravehearts to create child-safe communities was a catalyst for coming on board with the six-month project.
GregQuinn,ManagingDirectorThis is the result of a wonderful team effort by so many people and Hutchies is delighted to have helped Bravehearts strive towards its child protection vision. Hutchies is well known for its generosity to good causes, so when a long-term staff member indicated they had personal reasons for supporting this idea, we stepped in. The support of so many of our subbies and suppliers has been quite overwhelming and it’s great to know that a project like this will bring real benefits to the community.
A big thanks to the following businesses for making the extension possible:
Aussie Roof Safety; ABLE Locksmiths; ADG; Advanced Precast; AFS Framing Solutions; Allied Concrete Cutting; ABNC; ARC Reo; ATF; Atomic Services; Baron Forge; Big River; Bluescope Steel; Boyds Bay; Carter Holt Harvey; CASA; Civic; Civic Media; Coates Hire; Cogent Scaffolding; Col Pack; Cut & Core; DB Scaffolding; Gold Coast Cranes; G James Glass & Aluminium; Green Bins; Auzmet; GVK; Goodall Transport, Hanson Concrete; Haggarty Group; Hanson; Harvey Norman; Hitec Glazing; IKON Doors; Insignature Signs; K.D.Anderson; Lack Group; Linemarkers SEQ; Master Floor Coverings (QLD); Master Hire; Marvan Stairs & Balustrading; Mirage; Mitsubishi; Navaska; Octeros; Onsite Fastenings; Penfold Projects; Peter Johnston Tiling; Planet Plumbing; Quality Fire Protection; Relient; Ringwood & Ply; Ron Hudd Building Services; Scooter; SCP; SDF Electrical; Soil Surveys; Sole Commercial; Statewide; Strammit; Superform; Thomas Independent Certification; Thor Building; Tradelink; Taylor Made Electrical; Unique Cleaning Solutions; Usher & Son; VB Form; SDF Electrical.