The Hutchies’ Truth is our fun and somewhat irreverent quarterly newsletter that keeps our network up to date with what’s been happening in the Hutchies family, both inside and outside of the workplace. Complete with business news; project updates; hatches, matches, and dispatches; the infamous Hutchies’ Travelling Undies; and various social shenanigans, The Truth is never low on entertainment. It originally started as an internal staff newsletter, created in the risqué style of the old ‘Melbourne Truth’ tabloid. While The Truth is now broadly distributed to over 20,000+ Hutchies staff, clients, contractors and partners, it still retains its distinctive cheekiness that we’re known for.
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30+ years od Hutchies' Truth
How do the scratchies work?
Scratchies have long been a big part of Hutchies' Truth, with many people looking forward to receiving their hard copy to see if they have won.
However, in their place, we have an exciting new digital lottery system where you can win the same great prizes! Check your number against the winning ones below.
How do I get a lucky number?
You must be subscribed to our digital send out of the Hutchies' Truth. We email every subscriber their individual lucky number so if you recently got an email, be sure to check.
Otherwise, subscribe below and make sure you check your email for your lucky number when the next edition of The Truth comes out
Explore our range of giveaways with Hutchies' Truth lottery numbers. Check your email for a potentially winning number!