Following on from our 105 year parties in Coolangatta and Rockhampton, our Brisbane crew continued the nation-wide festivities when they celebrated the milestone in Hutchies style with over 1500 of our nearest and dearest in the car park at Hutchies’ Yard in Toowong.
In our typical ‘no holds barred’ approach, the party featured a giant spinning mirror ball, suspended above the crowd by a Hutchies Franna crane.

TheHonourableDameQuentinBryceADCVOHoardings, cranes, building sites – you are everywhere – we can’t miss the distinct blue, the colour, the message, and the powerful insignia of Australia’s largest privately owned construction operation in 2017.

The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO formally welcomed the crowd, acknowledging Hutchies’ longevity, growth, and our contribution to Queensland. She also reminisced about the official opening of the Toowong office, at which she also officiated 10 years ago. After a few words from Greg Quinn, Jack Hutchinson Senior, and Chairman Scott Hutchinson, the crowd was all set to party, with live music from Roger the Cabin Boy, fuelled by eight different food stations with cuisines from around the world, our boardroom with 12 pin ball and 2 arcade machines to play, along with DJ sets in a specially designated glowing dance party area which was dubbed “The Gloasis”.

Ever the modest leader, Hutchies’ Managing Director Greg Quinn said that, “it was a nice party ... it’s always good to get everyone together to thank our staff, subbies and clients. They’re the ones who we owe our success to.”
Our 105th celebrations will continue in our offices around the country, culminating with the Melbourne office party in October.
TheHonourableDameQuentinBryceADCVOLadies and gentlemen, it’s a proud history we honour this evening, the story of Hutchies has great appeal to all of us as a community and as individuals. There is something real, genuine and inspiring about it – 5 generations – across each one – authentic, purposeful leadership with a clear vision – a shared ethos firmly grounded in integrity, diligence and service. A culture where relationships are key, where people matter, where people take care of each other, pulling together – hugely critical in this rigorous competitive industry – construction. Where that Australian thing we call “a fair go” is solid, understood and agreed.

Left to Right / Scott Hutchinson, June & Jack Hutchinson, Hon Dame Quentin Bryce & Greg Quinn
ScottHutchinson,Chairman,HutchinsonBuildersThe scale of this event is just overwhelming, I’ve just come from Splendour in the Grass – hence the mirror ball and the half “Burning Man” thing down the back there [The Gloasis]. I’m so thrilled the Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce could join us tonight.
GregQuinn,ManagingDirector,HutchinsonBuildersIt’s no doubt a very proud moment for our 83 year old Jack Hutchinson Senior to see Hutchies in its current form celebrating 105 years. Hutchinson Builders truly is a great Australian company. The Hutchinson story is just a great one. It’s so easy to tell. Charge your glasses to Hutchies on its 105th – here's to Jack the third generation, Scott the fourth generation and to young Jack Jnr coming through the fifth generation – the custodians of Hutchies over the last 50 or 60 years.
JackHutchinsonSeniorI want to say to Dame Quentin Bryce for coming tonight – thanks very much for what you’ve said. Thanks to everybody here tonight for coming along. Scott and Greg are running a good show and thanks very much for what you’ve done.