Construction is Australia’s most male dominated industry. Just 12% of our workforce is women – compared with 46% representation across all other sectors. This is a 17% decrease over the past decade. You don’t have to look much closer to see there is also a disparity in the types of roles women occupy in the industry. There is a disproportionately high number of women in office based support roles, and just two percent in trades and high earning site-based roles – the most frequent source of promotion in our industry. Many of our male senior executives start their career as apprentices on the tools. Women are leaving construction professions almost 39% faster than their male colleagues.
Female workforce in construction
Female workforce in other sectors
Decrease in the last decade
Hutches continues to chip away at this disparity, doing our best to help level up the playing field whenever we see the opportunity. We are long-time supporters and sponsors of the National Association of Women in Construction who are tremendous advocates for gender diversity in our industry. As well as providing education and support about gender equity, NAWIC also annually provides a financial scholarship to one of its members to carry out research in the area of gender and diversity issues in Australia.
We also recently had five of our female employees – from administrative roles in the business – complete our trial Introduction to Construction program via Hutchies' Gold Coast School of Construction (GCSC). With over 70 careers available in the construction industry, and all available at Hutchies, these women came away from the course empowered with the basic knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about furthering their building and construction careers with us.
The sun is already going down on another international women’s day, but we know it takes more than one day a year to make a meaningful shift towards gender parity. And we know too that today is not just for women. Today is about inclusion, equality and diversity. It’s about people of different abilities, ethnicities, and ages. And in a funny kind of way, today is also about men. Because in a male dominated industry, men play a massive role in changing attitudes and culture from within. And that’s a powerful thing.
So no matter what’s in your Hutchies’ undies, we challenge you to make today – and every day – a day for change, empowerment and equity.

Today is International Women's Day. It takes more than one day a year to make a meaningful shift towards gender parity, but a female contingent of just under 12% across the entire construction industry workforce makes International Women’s day a timely reminder that we all have a part to play as agents for change and driving better outcomes for women. We’re super pleased that on today of all days – @masterbuildersaust has announced the...

We were stoked to sponsor the Indigenous round of the 2017 TRL. Great match between TRL All Stars & South West Queensland Emus Indigenous All Stars. Read the full story on The Feed on our website. http://l.hutchi.es/2mJ83RA #TRL #employmentparity #statimyaga
#constructioncareers #indigenouscareers #toowoombarugbyleague #toowoombamustangs #indigenousemploymentandtraining #goldcoastschoolofconstruction #gcsc #tradestart