
Hutchies’ very own Commercial Manager, Harry White’s two sons Charlie White, Oscar White and their friend Ben Marshal are taking the Brisbane music scene by storm with their indie-rock band ‘We Build Spaceships’. On 6 March, the three boys, whose ages fall between 13 – 15 released their first song ‘Jenny is a Nightmare’ on Spotify. The song, which is guaranteed to be stuck in your head was written by the band’s very own lead singer and guitar player Charlie, who has previously won awards for his song writing skills from the likes of Powerfinger's lead guitarist, Darren Middleton.
The release of Jenny is a Nightmare comes off the back of being named finalists in the Schools Category at the upcoming 2019 QMusic Awards (QMA). The QMA's celebrate Queensland’s brightest emerging artists and established music legends. To be named one of five finalists in all of Queensland is an amazing achievement, being recognised by QMA has been labelled as a key milestone in the career of many successful Queensland artists.
The winners will be announced at the QMA night held 19 March in Brisbane. As a long-time sponsor and patron of the event, our very own Scott Hutchinson has the honour of delivering the QMA's 2019 Rock Music Award to one very deserving artist. Scott is an avid supporter of QMusic – he shares their goal of celebrating homegrown local artists, industry leaders, festivals and the live music venues that keep the joy of music alive in our communities.
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