Project value
Weeks to build
The new Miles Aerodrome Terminal by Hutchies in western Queensland will service the Surat Basin resource industry, local industry and community for many years to come. Activating connections to several major travel hubs throughout Queensland and interstate, this new facility opens a huge economic opportunity up for the region.
The new terminal is an exemplary new facility that has been carefully designed to be fit-for-purpose. It features full check-in and arrival areas, air conditioning throughout, high quality waiting areas and hugely improved amenities, all delivered with a focus on the huge importance of travel efficiencies and journey experience expected by passengers of today to enjoy their trip from the start. The airport is now geared up to service 60,000 FI/FO workers a year as well as cargo and private travellers.
A new car park provides spaces for up to 50 vehicles with additional areas for buses waiting for arriving passengers. The building incorporates low maintenance materials and self-sustainable solutions, including an on-site treatment plant used to irrigate the landscaping across the site. Fifty-year old recycled timber was used on stunning feature walls throughout and have been treated to stand the test of time in the harsh environmental conditions of the west.
The design team worked in conjunction with Origin Energy, Western Downs Regional Council and Queensland airlines on the project. The Client was Australia Pacific LNG and long-term partner StruXi Design.
The complexity in delivering this project involved building around a fully operational and live airport environment, putting significant constraints on how the project was delivered to meet the tight timeframe. All cranes had to be carefully coordinated and sequenced before operation to avoid any interference with the live airspace. To combat dust, our team installed sprinklers along the fence lines to avoid affecting planes arriving and departing. Frequent buses and light vehicles for passengers across the site was also a huge challenge during the project. Hutchies mitigated a lot of these issues this by working 7 full-day rosters with 10/4 back to back swing. This enabled us to undertake a lot of the work over weekends to minimise disruption and keep the project on track for completion.
Western Downs Regional Council have recognised this project has a huge milestone and key piece of infrastructure for the future growth of the region and communities in which it serves. It now enables local businesses and people to efficiently travel more freely to and from major airport hubs across Queensland and interstate, opening up an enormous opportunity for economic development throughout the region.

2016 QMBA Awards Downs & Western Community Service Facility up to $5M