Project value
Weeks to build
5 Star
Green Star
Built area

Part of the redevelopment of the former Gasworks complex at Newstead, Tower G achieved a PCA A Grade Commercial Office rating, as well as all of its targeted environmental sustainability design ratings, including a 5 Star Green Star Office Design and As-Built rating; and a 5 Star NABERS Energy rating.
The 14 level building consists of three large floorplates of around 3000m² above a screened podium car park and an office tower of seven levels of approximately 2400m². The ‘H’ configuration of the lower levels respects the importance of the gasometer and the under croft affords visual and pedestrian permeability to the vibrant public domain.
The site was constrained by existing adjoining structures including the heritage listed Gasometer frame and Bebo Arch which dissects the site, requiring site management and logistics during the early phase to be carefully monitored and controlled.
Hutchinson Builders’ value management process resulted in rationalisation of the building floorplate design, creating a considerable increase in net leasable area across all levels of the building.