International organisation, Global Switch, is expanding its data storage unit, Sydney East Data Centre, on the edge of Sydney’s CBD. Hutchies’ Sydney team was recently awarded the design and construction contract by Global Switch to build stages two and three of the Sydney East Data Centre which will consist of a six-storey, tier three data centre, adding 19,000 square metres of floor space. Hutchies’ Global Switch team will deliver this project which will help position Global Switch at the forefront of the international data collection sector – capable of meeting its clients needs for the next 20 years. The project will be undertaken in two separate portions. Portion one will have a 69-week duration and portion two will be undertaken over an 88-week period, with the entire close out date scheduled for October 2017.
On completion, the three combined stages, totalling 31,000 square metres, will act as a standalone facility with Hutchies having delivered a purpose-built and environmentally sustainable data centre paralleling current world standards. Established in 1998, Global Switch operates 10 data centres in key connectivity hubs across Europe and Asia-Pacific, providing 300,000 square metres of state-of-the-art technical space. It has an international customer base from government organisations, financial institutions and enterprises to telecommunications carriers, managed service providers and other leading businesses. World businesses, relying on digital information, have realised that outsourcing their data centre requirements to a specialised provider is the most efficient way of maintaining secure, reliable, resilient and cost-effective IT solutions.
BrianHood,HutchinsonBuildersWe’re passionate about delivering the final stages of this facility. It’s a leading example of a purpose built, environmentally sustainable data centre, and parallels current world standards. At Hutchies, we’re committed to working collaboratively to deliver quality facilities and build work environments that inspire optimal performance.

